Medicare Simplified

Does the thought of making the wrong decision regarding your Medicare decision have you nervous? Don’t worry, you are not alone. With so many enrollment periods, rules, possible penalties, plan choices and marketing information from everywhere, are you overwhelmed? If the thought of having an honest, straightforward, unbiased conversation regarding your particular situation appeals to you, then call or write us anytime. Whether you hire us as your agent or not, you will gain accurate information, direction and advice in your specific case. Our promise to you.

As an Independent Medicare Insurance and Advantage Plan agency, you receive unbiased information. This is important for you, the Medicare beneficiary. Appointed with numerous Advantage Plans, Supplements and Drug plans with each having their own features, benefits and costs. The most appropriate plan for you can be found here. No pressure and peace of mind.

Medicare Plan Choices

Medicare Supplement Plans
A Supplement Plan, also known as a Medigap plan, pays for some or all of your share of “medically necessary” costs that Medicare does not. A Supplement plan is added to your Original Medicare and preserves your freedom to go directly to any Medicare provider in the nation without referral. Supplements come with a monthly premium. They vary between carriers and premiums rise as you age. The most popular Supplement plan in California has been Plan F, simply because it’s the most comprehensive. Beginning January 1, 2020 Plan F has been discontinued for those turning age 65 after this date. Those who turned age 65 prior to this date are grandfathered in. Plan G is the next richest plan available.

Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)
An alternative to Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Medicare Part C Plans are packaged plans that include coverage for Medicare Parts A, B and D. Some Medicare Advantage Plans do not include Part D. These are typically for VA members. Medicare Advantage Plans often include added benefits beyond what Medicare pays for. Some examples are Transportation, Fitness Membership, Hearing, Dental, Vision, Over-the-Counter items, Post Discharge Meals and more. Each plan is different. And every calendar year, plan benefits change. The Annual Enrollment Period from October 15th and December 7th of every year allows you to change plans if desired. Most Medicare Advantage Plans in California have a zero premium. You must be enrolled in both Medicare Parts A and B to be enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan. Medicare Advantage Plans are “network” driven. This means you must get services “In Network” excluding emergencies in order to have the benefits of the plan.

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDP)
Also known as Part D, are available as “Standalone” or as part of Medicare Advantage Plans. For a standalone Part D plan, you must be enrolled in Part A and/or Part B. Standalone Part D plans are for those who remain on Original Medicare with or without a Supplement/MediGap plan. Part D plans help protect you against the retail price of medications. There are many Part D choices in every county in California. The most important factor in shopping for the most beneficial plan is your particular drug list and preferred pharmacy. This cannot be emphasized enough. Drug costs, copays, deductibles and premiums vary per plan. The lowest premium plan might not be your lowest annual cost plan. The Annual Enrollment Period from October 15th and December 7th of every year allows you to change plans if desired.

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